The benefits of Cognassist - through the eyes of an apprentice
Learn about our amazing learning Cognassist, through the eyes of one of our apprentices...
Cognassist is a learning platform and creates a personal development plan that will be tailored to you.
Before you start, you take a 30-minute digital cognitive assessment that assess your neurodiversity to establish your needs.
Based on your results you will be given different tools and strategies that will enable you to navigate through your journey, with modules tailored to you, to enhance and empower your learning.
A lot of information we have learnt at school or college can sometimes be forgotten or not used enough for it be useful in our lives and we become complaisant, forgetting to push the boundaries and try and better our lives by learning or re-learning something. Cognassist finds different uses for information that for a while was redundant.
As an activity instructor the job can be stressful but completely rewarding when you can affect a child/young person in a positive way. Stress is natural, and the hardest thing is being able to deal with stress in the right way.
Cognassist has a range of modules that aims to improve or introduce new skills that will be useful to you and within each module it has content that you can use with in your job and personal life.
How to apply email etiquette: you need to put together a professional email and you are not sure how? Cognassist has a module for that. You find that you have been working hard and your stressed out, Cognassist has you covered.
Cognassist has a wide range of content that will be tailored to your development plan, some of that content set might not be relevant to you now and that is ok, because eventually you might need that module. Cognassist has full list of modules that you have completed, and you can revisit the content to refresh or re-learn.
For me personally, I really like Cognassist. In the short term it introduced skills that I hadn’t used in a long time and allowed me to refresh and re-learn. As well as making me realise how important that learning is. We never stop learning, so we should have platform that encourages us to do just that. Cognassist does this by presenting the content in a way you’ll use it, in a clean and simple format. A part of you doesn’t want to start your learning journey, thinks it’s going to be like college or School and you think you will struggle. Push that out of your mind, whatever your needs, Cognassist will be vital to your learning. So, in the long term, you’re not behind on work like you had been, you’re starting to enjoy yourself, push yourself like never before and instead of being on the back foot your being asked to write an article on the benefits of Cognassist.
By Connor Daniel, Apprentice Activity instructor at Grosvenor Hall, Inspiring learning.