Safeguarding Courses

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Safeguarding Awareness - FAA Level 1 Award
This qualification gives participants an understanding of safeguarding which can be used while working with children or adults at risk, in a workplace, support or activity group. The qualification equips people with the skills to identify a safeguarding concern, record a disclosure and report to the appropriate person. This can be an in-person or online course.
Safeguarding Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults - FAA Level 3 Award
This course is designed to give individuals the tools and knowledge to make a difference to a vulnerable person’s life. It will also let the practitioner reporting the abuse know how they can safeguard themselves in everyday work, while seeking help and reporting the incident identified. It is aimed towards safeguarding leads or appointed persons within a business, and any individual who works with children or adults at risk. This can be an in-person or online course.